The Best Kept Secret to Ankle Mobility
Your big toe does more than keep your flip flops on. It is the secret best kept secret to ankle mobility.
Mobility & flexibility are in direct relation to how well we stabilize a joint.
Stability is a direct representation of the quality of the sensory information into the brain. How accurately it’s processed. And how quickly we make the appropriate motor response.
The muscles of the big toe are key players in this.
The flexor hallucis longus helps orient the talus in the mortise joint via the sustentaculum tali.
The extensor hallucis longus is a high value node in that it physically overlaps a high traffic area of neurology, lymphatics, hard and soft tissues.
Whether is residual swelling post ankle sprains, a stiff mid foot or poor 1MTP Doris flexion the EHL can help it all.
Be sure to assess & treat the big toe.