Performance Warm Up Protocol
No one likes warming up. so here is how I prepare for my speed sessions. Electro-acupuncture is the most effective way to activate a muscles, relieve muscle tightness & prime the nervous system for whats about to come.
This protocol potentiates the system for speed days.
Phrenic Nerve
innervation to the diaphragm- essential breathing muscle
Intra-abdominal pressure for spine stability and hip mobility
diaphragm shares muscle fibers with psoas your primary hip flexor- hip flexors are key for speed
Glute Med Posterior
Powerful hip stabilize for abduction & extension
Flexor Hallucis Longus
1. This muscle to the big toe is key in creating ankle stability /stiffness
Follow this up with 1-2x 10m sprints, 5+10m Sprints 10+10m Sprints, 15+10m Sprint and finish with up 3x 20+10m sprints.
Always time your sprints and track your progress.