Chiropractic Care for Low Back Pain

Low back pain is one of the most prevalent conditions affecting adults. It is estimated that 75-85% of adults will complain about low back pain over the course of their lifetime. This can range from mild discomfort in specific postures all the way to severe chronic back pain that limits mobility and activity and reduces quality of life. If you’ve experienced low back pain then you understand how it can impede your ability to do the activities you love, especially if you are a professional or aspiring athlete. In this article we’re going to take a look at how chiropractic care can help reduce or eliminate low back pain and how it compares to other methods of treatment.

Changes to Muscle Structure and Function in the Course of Low Back Pain:

Low back pain can feel like one of the most debilitating injuries. It can make simple activities like walking or sitting at a desk uncomfortable. One reason that low back pain is so persistent is that actual physical changes to the muscles and nerves surrounding the spine occur after injury. One study from The Spine Journal found a rapid atrophy of the Lumbar Multifidus; the deepest spine stabilizing muscles following a disc or nerve root injury. In my experience, patients with poor functioning Multifidi will say their back takes time to loosen or warm up after sitting or sleeping too long, motions are not as smooth as they once were, almost hitchy, or things don’t move like they used to. Another study from The Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy found noteworthy changes in muscle structure and function in the course of low back pain. These physical changes can cause limited mobility, chronic pain, acute pain, and even more side effects including disability and depression depending on the severity. Acute pain symptoms can turn into chronic pain if not addressed quickly.

Safety of Chiropractic Adjustments for Low Back Pain:

If you have never experienced a chiropractic adjustment, you may be concerned about the safety and legitimacy of this technique. The Spine Journal conducted a review of available data regarding adverse events that occur as a result of chiropractic adjustments. The study found a risk for 1.46 adverse events for every 10,000,000 chiropractic adjustments. Meaning, there is a 0.00001% chance of getting injured while working with a professionally trained chiropractor for injury rehabilitation or athletic performance. 


Chiropractic Care Better for Low Back Pain than Hospital Outpatient Care:

One study from the British Medical Journal looked at 741 patients between the ages of 18-65 experiencing varying degrees of low back pain. This study found that “Chiropractic treatment was more effective than hospital outpatient management, mainly for patients with chronic or severe back pain.” Patients within the study receiving chiropractic care for their low back pain experienced measurable improvement within two years of receiving consistent care. Improvement was most significant for patients experiencing chronic or severe low back pain. Chiropractic care was delivered at the discretion of the doctors and consisted primarily of chiropractic manipulation.

Chiropractic Care Better than Placebo and Muscle Relaxer for Subacute Low Back Pain:

Another study conducted by the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics looked specifically at chiropractic care for subacute low back pain. Acute pain is different from chronic pain in that it often subsides spontaneously and therefore isn’t studied or addressed as regularly as chronic pain. In this study, participants were split into three groups; one to receive chiropractic care and a placebo medicine, the second to receive muscle relaxers and sham adjustments, and the third to receive a placebo treatment and sham adjustments. The conclusion of the study showed that chiropractic care was more effective at reducing pain than muscle relaxers or the placebo medicine.

If you’re experiencing low back pain as the result of an athletic injury or lifestyle factor, don’t let chronic or acute pain impede on your quality of life. Get started working with a chiropractor to help reduce pain, discomfort and get back to the things that you love. Let us help you perform at the level you expect. Contact Werner Athletics today to schedule an appointment.

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