Massage Gun Tips

No point in having a couple hundred dollar massage gun and a 10 cent knowledge of how to use it.

Check out this video to get the most out of your massage gun.

Have you ever broke a massage gun from pressing too hard?

What about ending up bruised from a scraping tool?

I would argue that if you have to press that hard, while it may feel good at the time, you are working in the wrong areas.

From personal clinical experience the problem areas are the most sensitive area. That means you’re if your bruising or breaking tools youre in the wrong area.

Tip 1.

Find the sensitive areas. The areas that are senive to light tough not digging in

Tip 2

When you find that area work the outside of the muscle. Where two or more muscles come together is where the adhesion build up. When muscles can not slide freely that’s when things get tight. When muscles get tight, they lose power and mobility. Two vital things for performance and longevity.

Follow along with the video and experience the difference for yourself.

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james werner