UnF*ck Your Hockey Hips with High Traffic Areas
Work these 5 areas to get out of pain & have silky smooth hips
1. Rib edges
This is where you’re core muscles attach. If they’re jacked up you can’t create a stable base
2. Truffle shuffle (lower abs)
This is a sneaky culprit in hip issues no one looks at. There are a lot of key nerves and blood vessels that supply hips here. Keep those happy and your hips will be happy
3. Hip Pointers
IT-Bands & knee pain sufferers. This one’s for you. Find the place that’s tender & ticklish with the least amount of pressure. That’s the money spot
4. SI Joints
This is where your bum muscles attach. With all the skating & travel that does into the season keep this area happy. Your hips & back will thank you
5. Tear Drop
Quadzilla’s this one is a must. Not only will this improve knee & hip pain. It’ll make those groins feel silky smooth.
Hit these spots 30-60seconds each side before ice & gym session. And in no time you’ll be loose as a goose. And strong as an ox.
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