The no warm Up warm up

Over the last month I’ve been getting back to No Warm up training.

Two reasons for this

  1. Time requirements. At this point I want be efficient and effecting with my training and means less than 60 minutes per training session

  2. This forces me to prioritize my exercise selection and dial in technique. The more I muscle fuck a movement the more imbalances I tend to create.

When applied it looks something like this.

Ankles and abs are a current weak point so rather than putting these at the end of a workout where I’m likely to skip them, they are the first things I do. Typically 2 sets. Abs are slow controlled tempo to make sure I feel the muscles engage. Ankles are done as low intensity jumping or plyos to wake up the nervous system and get the muscles to react & contract quickly

After that it’s upper body pressing. This gets paired with some kind of rotator cuff or upper back exercises to address weak points and further potentiate the small muscles.

Then I do some form of heavy deadlift with a jump or plyometric to recruit maximal muscle fibres.

Lastly it’s either an upper body pull, hamstring or flute exercise paired with a neck exercise or visual tracking. Again this is addressing weaknesses to improve structural balance.

james werner