Walk the walk oct 23-29

If you ever wondered how a chiropractor trains in the gym this is for you

This new series titled “walk the walk” outlines why & how I structure my training and recover.

With ski season and beer leagues starting up the hips and groin need a wake up call. To do this I’m working the whole spectrum of slow and heavy to develop strength to light and fast for coordination.

Upper body Day 1

  • 4chain speed bench 15 sets x2reps 65-95#bar wt

  • 4chain bench 5x3 195# bar wt

  • Notes: didn’t feel like training but it’s not about my feeling so put in some work and got out

Upper body day 2

  • Warm up: 3 sets

    • Shoulder external rotation x8 4s eccentric + prone modified plank 3 5s holds + 1/2 kneel mb shot put x3/

  • 4 chain Overhead press bar only 20sets x2 reps

    • Alternated behind the neck and military press every 5sets

  • Single Arm DB Over head press + SA DB Row 95#

    • OHP 40# x3, 45# x3, 50# x8

  • GHR preacher curl 3x8 35# + Band Neck pull 3x10


Shoulder was cranky the next day so did some needling of the delts and biceps. Cupping & massage of high traffic areas- collar bone, Coracoid process and serratus/lat

Lower body was as follows below. Did all my squats, box squats and RFESS (rear foot elevated split squats) in Olympic shoes. Will do a separate post on why later

james werner