Appointment Details
What to Expect
Each treatment plan will be individualized to meet your needs. You will experience a cutting edge assessment that allows us to converge on a precise diagnosis, identifying why this injury occurred, and why previous treatments may not have worked.
We strive for timely clinical success to get you out of pain and back to high performance which is why we utilize multiple modalities: chiropractic, acupuncture, soft tissue massage, rehabilitation/ performance training.
For most nerve and disc related pain, muscle strains, tendon and ligament sprains, or overuse injuries we can guarantee a minimum of 50% improvement in 6 treatments. Ideally this will be 2 treatments per week for 3 weeks. If 50% improvement is not met after 6 treatments, we will help refer you to the appropriate clinician.
For chronic issues a minimum of 15% improvement over 12 treatments (2x per week for 6 weeks) is our baseline. Many chronic issues have compilatory conditions that often require medications which slow the healing process why is why more treatments are needed and there is a lower improvement percentage.
Please take the time to fill out the intake paper work prior to arriving and answer all the questions as honestly as you can. Health conditions, prior injuries, surgeries, scars and how the injuries happen can all play a role in the pain with movement experience.
What to Wear
Each appointment will involve functional testing and dynamic movements so please wear something that will be comfortable and allow for full ranges of motion. Workout shorts and t-shirts are great options.
Initial Appointments
Regular Chiropractic Exam
The Regular Chiropractic Exam is a 45 minute appointment that will begin with a detailed health history of your current issue, prior injuries, illness, scars and surgeries. A thorough orthopedic and physical exam will be performed looking at how your body creates stability. From here a diagnosis and treatment plan will be developed based on the exam findings and your personal goals. We will then conclude the visit with treatment consisting of some combination of chiropractic adjustments, dry needling, soft tissue work, and or exercise rehabilitation.
Comprehensive Sports Performance & Rehab Exam
If you have been frustrated by injuries, inconsistent performance, or just not playing to your potential, you need the Comprehensive Sports Performance & Rehab Exam.
The Comprehensive Sports Performance and Rehab Exam is a 3 hours, in-depth look at your injury (ies), your kinetic chain, and your athletic power production in the squat, bench press, and deadlift, as well as rate of force development through sprint and jump testing (if you’re able).
After the exam you will receive treatment as well as a multipage report outlining your precise diagnosis as well as identifying why this injury or plateaued performance occurred, and why previous treatments may have not worked. You will also receive a detailed home training program with videos of the exercises as well as self-care techniques. Included is one 30 minute follow up appointment within 60 days of your comprehensive exam.
Follow Up Visits
Follow up appointments will be 10 minutes, 30 minutes, or 60 minutes in length and can be booked HERE.
You can also purchase Pre-Paid Treatments at discounted rate for 2.5 Hours (5 x 30 minutes) of High Performance Therapy HERE or 5 Hours (10 x 30 minutes) of High Performance Therapy HERE.
Each follow up session will start with begin with examination specific to the treatment area, followed by a combination of chiropractic adjustments, medical acupuncture and soft tissue work to improve muscle function, movement quality, and to decrease your pain. The goal is to move from reactionary injury care to preventative Sports Performance Therapy and self maintenance home care.